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SBU CIS seniors present projects for 2023-2024

Five projects demonstrate a servant leadership focus

BOLIVAR, Mo. -宝博体育计算与数学系最近有 18名计算机专业的大四学生在几个领导的赞助下工作并提出了五个项目 companies and organizations, including the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.

“我们的前辈非常努力地为五家公司提供软件解决方案 year. 我们为学生和教师表现出的持续卓越感到自豪 through these projects”, said Dr. Amos Gichamba, the Division Head of Computing and Mathematics. “看到一些公司正在雇佣这些会员,这非常令人兴奋 完成这些项目的全面内部实施.”

高级专题是计算机科学专业学生的年度活动 信息科学、网络安全、数据科学、软件工程或网络系统 and design. 在他们大四的课程中,计算机领域的学生工作 在跨学科的团队中为最终用户开发商业质量的应用程序 在美国领先的公司和组织工作,以信仰为基础的公司,以及 not-for-profit charities.

吉昌巴说:“SBU培养了高素质的仆人式领导人. “I cannot wait to 看看这群老年人对行业的影响.”

Projects for the 2023-2024 academic year included:


Student Team: Tyler Collinson, a web systems and design major from Steelville, Mo; Maegan Knight, a computer information science major from Bolivar, Mo;  Josiah Thiele, a computer science and mathematics major from Overland Park, Ks; and Jonathan Cunningham, a computer science and mathematics major from Blue Springs, Mo.

该小组的任务是创建一个应用程序,以协助其操作 TechEdge program. TechEdge是FRBKC的大学招聘项目,包括 新员工会在不同的团队中进行3-4次轮岗,然后才会进入一个家庭 team.

约翰·多尔蒂,科迪·威尔金森,卡尔文·威利斯,还有贝瑟妮·汉密尔顿Youth In Pursuit of Awakening (YIPOA), Ozark, Mo

Student Team: Cody Wilkinson, a cybersecurity major from Bowling Green, Mo; John Daugherty, a computer science and mathematics major from Nevada, Mo; Calvin Willis, a computer science major from Forest, Va; and Bethany Hamilton, a cybersecurity major from Bolivar, Mo.

YIPOA需要一个志愿者管理系统,能够有一个门户网站 each volunteer. 每个志愿者在门户网站上都有自己的部分,YIPOA 行政人员可以更新和跟踪所有的文书工作和出勤.


Jacob Weihe, Jacob Middleton, and Drew RossMicro-Bac International, Round Rock, Tx

Student Team: Drew Ross, a computer science and mathematics major from Olathe, Ks; Jacob Middleton, a computer science major from Wellington, Mo; and Jacob Weihe, a computer science major from Morrisville, Mo.

Micro-Bac International需要一种将表格数字化到数据库的方法,然后就有了 an app that can sort through clients > Projects > oil wells > samples for wells > test results from samples.






Student Team: Autumn McKee, a web systems and design major from Pleasant Hope, Mo; Joseph Schroer, a cybersecurity major from Russellville, Mo; Matthew McGlaughlin, a computer information science major from East Moline, IL; and Joshua Norton, a computer science and mathematics major from Pleasant Hope, Mo.

该小组的任务是建立一个在线的,可搜索的数据库,其中基督教学校 基督教教师可以在哪里发布他们的简历 for the purpose of getting hired.


Jesaiah Phipps, Gemma Moore, and Payson Burks奥塞奇/玻利瓦尔地区娱乐活动自行车追踪者,玻利瓦尔,密苏里州

Student Team: Payson Burks, a cybersecurity major from Odessa, Mo; Gemma Moore, a computer science and mathematics major from Carbondale, Ks; Jesaiah Phipps, a computer science and mathematics major from Bolivar, Mo.

一个地区自行车组织希望有一个基于网络的系统来跟踪他们的骑行 cycling activities. 在线平台将包括地图、自行车道、自行车 路线信息,并使用GPS跟踪骑行者.

SBU的计算与数学学部招收计算机科学专业的学生, 计算机信息科学、网络安全、网络安全运营与管理; 数据科学、软件工程、网络系统和设计、数学和数学 education. 在福音派基督教机构中,SBU是领先的软件之一 是美国第二大计算机工程院校 department in the Missouri Ozarks.

SBU的计算机科学和网络安全计划获得了ABET(认证)的认证 Board for Engineering and Technology). SBU is only one of three evangelical Christian institutions with an ABET-accredited Cybersecurity program. The Computer Information Science program is accredited by ACBSP.

有关计算和数学系的更多信息,请联系Gichamba at (417) 328-1721 or

PHOTO 1: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City team ——乔纳森·坎宁安、乔赛亚·蒂勒、泰勒·科林森和梅根·奈特.

PHOTO 2: Youth In Pursuit Of Awakening team ——约翰·多尔蒂、科迪·威尔金森、卡尔文·威利斯和贝瑟尼·汉密尔顿.

PHOTO 3: Micro-Bac International team – Jacob Weihe, Jacob Middleton, and Drew Ross.

PHOTO 4: Christian Schools Job Search Engine team ——约书亚·诺顿、约瑟夫·施罗德、马修·麦格拉斯林和奥顿·麦基.

PHOTO 5: 奥塞奇/玻利瓦尔地区娱乐活动自行车追踪队 – Jesaiah Phipps, Gemma Moore, and Payson Burks.

*Published: 6/21/2024